Sep 17, 2013

Speak Up

The link is of a press conference for 12 year old Rebecca Sedwick who killed herself because of bullying. R.I.P Rebecca.
 Everyone has problems and if you're being bullied speak up don't be scared. Bullies just want to be heard but if you don't speak up they wont stop. If you need help with anything speak up and tell someone like your family, friend or a trusted adult.

Bullies don't realize that the people who are being bullied might have problems at home or something so don't bully. If you're a bully think of this the girl you called hateful names might have been rapped and sexually abused, the boy you made fun of because of his scars might be a cutter. If you're a bully think about this who you bully today might kill themselves tomorrow and if you think a life is worth your problems you're wrong. No life is worth any problems you face.

I was called crack head for no reason at all. I used to be a cutter in the fifth grade. I was sexually abused when I was younger. I was suicidal because of all the things I went through but when I met my best friend Matthew I changed. What I'm trying to say is that saying 'hi' or being someone's friend can make a difference in the world. I was scared to speak up  but when I did my life was so much better.